Growing up in a small town in Southern New Jersey

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks

Okay, I remember another Christmas play. One I was in. I was six or seven. I was a shepherd, watching my flock? I had a blanket over my head wrapped to look like an old-fashioned shepherd. I remember the costume was made out of receiving blankets, and my mom made it.

I remember, vividly, that while the three wise men were coming onto the platform to do their thing, one of them stepped on my hand -- I had been seated watching the baby Jesus -- waiting for the wise men (I know out of time sequence, but it was a short play, not a two-year deal), and someone stepped on my hand! The wisemen were played by the "big boys".

Did I yell? Did I scream? No. I just kept on my acting face while the pain traveled up my arm. I was a good little trooper.

Nothing was broken, but I did have a sore hand for a few days :)

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