Growing up in a small town in Southern New Jersey

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Dad and "grace"

My father liked to give what he called expository Bible studies. And that just means that he would take either a topic or a book of the Bible and tear it apart – in a good way – seeking what God had imparted in that particular book for us, to teach us His way, or looking for what God had to say about a certain topic, such as grace.

I think my father did a study on “grace” that lasted for two years of Sunday nights, minus the once-a-month missionary night. But how can you put a time-limit on grace. God’s grace is forever and he gives it to us liberally, just because he wants to. We certainly don’t deserve it. What would this world be like with the grace of God? If it weren’t for His grace, we couldn’t be saved. His grace is sufficient for everything we might endure. Paul said, that He (God) told him (Paul) that His (God’s) grace was sufficient, whereupon Paul tells us of the things in life he is endured by God’s grace.

Paul suffered an infirmity in his flesh – some sort of disease, we think; he was in prison several times, his life was threatened more than once, and yet he was able to say that God’s grace was sufficient for him. Wow! How I wish I could get a handle on that grace. I know about it. I understand it. I take hold of it on occasion, but I ask God to allow me to have grace all the time because that’s how often I need it.

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