Growing up in a small town in Southern New Jersey

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Stupid, stupid, stupid

If I might quote my mother as she was sliding off the bed while she was trying to sit on the side of it in the last days of her life, laughing as she sagged to the floor:  "Stupid, stupid, stupid."  That's me.  I forgot to give you all a Sunday saying. 

Well, this week's saying is "Stupid, stupid, stupid."  And I was SSS because I forgot the Sunday saying saying. 

The saying, was made famous by my mother and we've been using it in our family ever since that day around 20 years ago when she made that statement, and while she was laughing we all got the giggles, and unfortunately were laughing so hard we couldn't help her get back up onto the bed until we were able to control our laughing.   (That would be Sue and I.)

So to you, Sue, and to me, and for mom -- remember when you forget to do something, do something wrong, just say:  "Stupid, stupid, stupid."

One more SSS moment in my life -- the day I left the brand new, expensive digital camera in the car in the parking lot, and we were getting on a boat to go to Panama when I remembered it.  The walk back to the parking garage was prohibitive for me, and I was hitting myself and yelling at myself (Stupid, stupid, stupid) for days until Alan decided we should buy a cheap digital camera on board ship so we would be able to get pictures in Panama and at the Canal.  I mean how many chances would I ever have to get to Panama and the Canal?  This one chance.  The SSS camera is now being used by grandchildren to take their various "event" pictures.


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